
If you want to help out but don't have the monetary means, please lend a hand. We are looking for volunteers to many things. You can either pick the best fit or offer help in one of your strong areas!

  • set-up for the banquet
  • clean-up for after
  • working during the banquet
  • putting up posters around towns
  • going to businesses to ask for donations
  • spreading the word anyway you can think!
 Please post in the comments if you'd like to lend a hand!


Dan and Ruth Linneman
Glad Meyer
Keith Linneman
Lisa Linneman
Anthony Pechuman
Kari Lippert
Duane Gillum
Robbye Sitz
Niky Bond
Teresa Robertson
Mandi Shirmer
Heather Kircher
Christi Smith
Jenna Anderson
Robin Frank
Janel Schatner
Cindy Chevalier
Carol Smith


  1. Not sure if my first comment worked so just wanted to let you know I am available day of for whatever you need from me. I can be reached at mkramer0167@gmail.com or Vicki has my cell phone number.

    Vicki's neighbor

  2. HI again! I can be there until 3pm. What time would you like me to be there? I can help anywhere you need me!

